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Variables with 960.css

960.css Grid Lightness Styles utilizes SCSS variables to provide flexibility and customization. This guide covers the variables used in the library.

SCSS Variables


Defines the number of sections in a grid.


Defines the number of text columns.


Defines various breakpoints for responsive styles. For example, small: 768px means a breakpoint at 768px for small screens.


Defines abbreviations for directions (top, left, bottom, right).


Defines a series of percentages as variables for use in other styles.


Defines the percentage character for use in other styles.


$gridSections: 12;
$columns: 4;
$media: (
  small: 768px,
  medium: 992px,
  large: 1200px,
$shortDir: (
  t: top,
  l: left,
  b: bottom,
  r: right,
$percentages: (
  p25: 25%,
  p50: 50%,
  p75: 75%,
$percentChar: '%';