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Flexbox Styles with 960.css

960.css Grid Lightness Styles includes flexible layout options using Flexbox. This guide provides an overview of how to leverage Flexbox in your projects with the library.


  • @s: Small
  • @m: Medium
  • @l: Large
  • @xl: Extra Large

Alignment Classes

  • @<size>aca: Aligns content to the start.
  • @<size>ace: Aligns content to the end.
  • @<size>acc: Aligns content to the center.
  • @<size>acsb: Aligns content to the baseline.
  • @<size>acsa: Aligns content around the space.
  • @<size>acs: Stretches content to fill the container.

Self-Alignment Classes

  • @<size>asa: Automatically aligns the element.
  • @<size>asfs: Aligns the element to the start of the container.
  • @<size>asfe: Aligns the element to the end of the container.
  • @<size>asc: Aligns the element to the center of the container.
  • @<size>asb: Aligns the element to the baseline of the container.
  • @<size>ass: Stretches the element to fill the container.

Order Classes

  • <size>or<i>: Sets the order of the element to i.

Growth Classes

  • <size>fg<i>: Sets the growth factor of the element to i.

Shrink Classes

  • <size>fs<i>: Sets the shrink factor of the element to i.

Base Classes

  • <size>fb<value>: Sets the base of the element to <value>.

Media Queries

The above classes can be prefixed with "s" for small, "m" for medium, etc., to apply specific styles to different screen sizes.

Flex Container

To create a flex container, apply the flex class to an element:

<div class="flx">
  <!-- Your flex items go here -->

Flex Items

Add the flex-item class to child elements inside a flex container to make them flexible:

<div class="flx">
  <div>Item 1</div>
  <div>Item 2</div>
  <div>Item 3</div>

Flex Direction

Change the direction of the flex container using utility classes:

  • flex-row: Row (default)
  • flex-column: Column
  • flex-row-reverse: Row-reverse
  • flex-column-reverse: Column-reverse
<div class="flx@fdc">
  <!-- Flex items in a column -->

Flex Justify Content

Adjust the alignment of flex items along the main axis:

  • justify-start: Start (default)
  • justify-end: End
  • justify-center: Center
  • justify-space-between: Space between
  • justify-space-around: Space around
<div class="flx@jcc">
  <!-- Flex items centered -->

Flex Align Items

Align flex items along the cross axis:

  • items-start: Start
  • items-end: End
  • items-center: Center
  • items-baseline: Baseline
  • items-stretch: Stretch (default)
<div class="flx@aie">
  <!-- Flex items aligned to the bottom -->

Flex Wrap

Control whether flex items should wrap to the next line:

  • flex-no-wrap: No wrap (default)
  • flex-wrap: Wrap
  • flex-wrap-reverse: Wrap reverse
<div class="flx@fww">
  <!-- Flex items wrapped to the next line -->