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Print Styles with 960.css

960.css Grid Lightness Styles includes utility classes for styling the print version of your website. This guide covers the print-related classes available in the library.

Use the following print classes to customize the appearance when printing:

  • print-visible: Make an element visible when printing (initially hidden)
  • print-invisible: Hide an element when printing (initially visible)
  • print-block: Set the display property to block when printing
  • print-inline: Set the display property to inline when printing
  • print-inline-block: Set the display property to inline-block when printing


<div class="print-visible">
  <!-- Element visible when printing -->

<div class="print-invisible">
  <!-- Element hidden when printing -->

<div class="print-block">
  <!-- Element with display: block when printing -->

<div class="print-inline">
  <!-- Element with display: inline when printing -->

<div class="print-inline-block">
  <!-- Element with display: inline-block when printing -->