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Grid Styles with 960.css

960.css Grid Lightness Styles offers a simple and effective grid system for creating responsive layouts on your website. This guide explains the grid classes and how to use them.

Grid Basics

The grid is based on a 12-column layout. You can divide your content into a maximum of 12 columns, allowing for flexible and responsive designs.

Width Classes

  • .w310: Sets the width to 30%.
  • .w710: Sets the width to 70%.
  • .w910: Sets the width to 90%.
  • .wa: Sets the width to auto.
  • .we: Sets the width to 0 and allows the element to grow to fill the available space.

Media Queries

The width classes can be applied at different breakpoints using the following media query classes:

  • @include media(small): Applies styles for small screens.
  • @include media(middle): Applies styles for medium screens.
  • @include media(large): Applies styles for large screens.
  • @include media(extraLarge): Applies styles for extra large screens.

Grid Classes

Use the following grid classes to create your layout:

  • g: Base grid class
  • g@s: Small screen grid (<= 600px)
  • g@m: Medium screen grid (>= 601px)
  • g@l: Large screen grid (>= 1024px)
  • g@xl: Extra-large screen grid (>= 1440px)


<div class="g">
  <!-- Content with base grid -->

<div class="g@s">
  <!-- Content for small screens -->

<div class="g@m">
  <!-- Content for medium screens -->

<div class="g@l">
  <!-- Content for large screens -->

<div class="g@xl">
  <!-- Content for extra-large screens -->

Grid Wrapping

Enable grid wrapping with the following classes:

  • g-wrap: Enable grid wrapping
  • g-nowrap: Disable grid wrapping (default)


<div class="g gw">
  <!-- Content with grid wrapping -->

<div class="g g">
  <!-- Content without grid wrapping -->

Grid Gutters

Adjust grid gutters with the following classes:

  • g-gutter: Default gutter (15px)
  • g-gutter-small: Small gutter (10px)
  • g-gutter-large: Large gutter (20px)


<div class="g g-gutter">
  <!-- Content with default gutter -->

<div class="g g-gutter-small">
  <!-- Content with small gutter -->

<div class="g g-gutter-large">
  <!-- Content with large gutter -->