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Text Styles with 960.css

960.css Grid Lightness Styles provides utility classes for styling text on your website. This guide covers the text-related classes available in the library.

Text Classes

Use the following text classes to style your text:

  • txt@l: Align text to the left
  • txt@c: Center-align text
  • txt@r: Align text to the right
  • txt@aj: Justify text
  • txt@tu: Transform text to uppercase
  • txt@tl: Transform text to lowercase
  • txt@tc: Capitalize the first letter of each word
  • txt@wn: Prevent text from wrapping to the next line
  • txt@e: Truncate text with an ellipsis (...) when it overflows


<p class="txt@l">This is a title with left alignment</p>
<p class="txt@aj txt@tu">This is a paragraph with justified alignment and text transformation to uppercase.</p>
<p class="txt@e">This is a text with text overflow ellipsis.</p>
<p class="txt@du">This is a text with underline text decoration.</p>