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Margin Styles with 960.css

960.css Grid Lightness Styles provides utility classes for managing margins on your website. This guide covers the margin-related classes available in the library.


This document describes the margin utility classes defined in margin.scss.

Margin Classes

Margin classes are defined for different screen sizes: s (small), m (medium), l (large), xl (extra large). Each screen size has classes to set the margin in all directions (top, bottom, left, right) to 0.

For example, for the m (medium) screen size, the classes are:

  • .mtn@m: Sets the top margin to 0.
  • .mbn@m: Sets the bottom margin to 0.
  • .mln@m: Sets the left margin to 0.
  • .mrn@m: Sets the right margin to 0.
  • .mn@m: Sets all margins to 0.

These classes are defined within a media query that applies the styles only when the browser window width is at least a certain value. For example, for m, the styles are applied when the browser window width is at least 1220px.

Margin Mixin

The margin.scss file also defines a mixin called margin that generates margin classes for different directions and sizes. This mixin is used to generate the margin classes for the different screen sizes.

Margin Classes

Use the following margin classes to control the spacing around elements:

  • m-0, m-1, ..., m-5: Set margin from 0 to 5 (0, 0.25rem, 0.5rem, ..., 1.25rem)
  • mt-0, mt-1, ..., mt-5: Set top margin
  • mb-0, mb-1, ..., mb-5: Set bottom margin
  • ml-0, ml-1, ..., ml-5: Set left margin
  • mr-0, mr-1, ..., mr-5: Set right margin
  • mx-0, mx-1, ..., mx-5: Set horizontal margin (left and right)
  • my-0, my-1, ..., my-5: Set vertical margin (top and bottom)


<div class="m-2">
  <!-- Element with margin of 0.5rem -->

<div class="mt-3">
  <!-- Element with top margin of 1rem -->

<div class="mb-4">
  <!-- Element with bottom margin of 1.5rem -->

<div class="ml-2">
  <!-- Element with left margin of 0.5rem -->

<div class="mr-3">
  <!-- Element with right margin of 1rem -->

<div class="mx-4">
  <!-- Element with horizontal margin of 1.5rem -->

<div class="my-2">
  <!-- Element with vertical margin of 0.5rem -->